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Alliance of Journalists and Media Workers Union Hold Rally at DPR RI Building to Reject Broadcast Law Revision

Jakarta, – A mass rally consisting of journalists' alliances, media workers' unions, and students gathered at the DPR RI Building in Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday (27/5/2024), demanding the DPR cancel the discussion on the revision of Law Number 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting. The Chairman of the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) Central, Herik Kurniawan, called on DPR members to immediately halt the discussion of the law revision.

“Stop and remove unbeneficial clauses from being discussed in the law revision and exclude them from becoming law,” declared Herik in his speech. On this occasion, a speaker from the command vehicle echoed the same sentiment.

Broadly speaking, this demand is not only for the benefit of the press but also for the wider community as it impacts the democratic process. “Today we gather at this honorable building, the DPR/MPR Building, to voice the conscience of not only journalists but all Indonesian citizens,” stated a speaker.

The Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI) Jakarta, the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), and several other journalist organizations along with press activists held a demonstration rejecting the Broadcast Law revision in front of the DPR Building. “We reject the clauses that tighten regulations on independent media. This can limit the movement of impartial media and reduce the diversity of voices in delivering information to the public,” said a representative of AJI Jakarta, Muhamad Iqbal, in his statement.

Iqbal also added, “We reject the clauses that impose heavy sanctions for administrative violations. These disproportionate sanctions can create a deterrent effect for journalists in carrying out their duties.”

In the rally, the press groups demanded three main points:

1. Immediately cancel all problematic clauses in the Broadcast Law revision.

2. Revise the Broadcast Law by involving press organizations, student press groups, and pro-democracy organizations.

3. Ensure the protection of press freedom and freedom of expression in every legislation.

This demonstration reflects the journalists' community's concern about regulatory changes that are considered to potentially limit press freedom and threaten democracy in Indonesia. Journalists and activists hope that the DPR will heed their voices and ensure that the Broadcast Law revision does not compromise the principles of press freedom.(Malik) 

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