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Susi Air Pilot Hostage Crisis in Nduga: Stalled Negotiations


Wamena, Olemah.Com
- The Indonesian government and Indonesian society were once again shocked by the news of the hostage-taking of Susi Air pilot, Capt. Philip Mark Martens, who has been held captive for a year by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) Kodap III Ndugama-darakma. The hostage-taking occurred since February 7, 2023, in the Paroh District of Nduga Regency, Papua Highlands, on behalf of Egianus Kogeya.

Despite the Indonesian government's vigorous efforts to release the pilot through troop deployments, lobbying efforts, and the formation of negotiation teams, all these efforts have not yielded the desired results. In fact, several casualties have occurred, both from civilian and security forces.

According to Papua's Human Rights Defender, Theo Hesegem, the negotiation process conducted so far has been ineffective because it has been conducted unilaterally without agreement from both conflicting parties. Theo Hesegem emphasizes the importance of involving negotiation teams representing all relevant parties with a commitment to reaching agreements together.

The difference in views between the Indonesian government and Egianus Kogeya, the Commander of TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama, has been the main obstacle in the negotiation process. Egianus Kogeya continues to demand recognition of Papuan independence as the reason for the hostage-taking, while the Indonesian government pursues economic and welfare approaches.

This disagreement has stalled the negotiation process, prolonging the suffering of Susi Air's pilot and increasing the risk of armed conflict in the region. It also complicates efforts for intervention by the international community or official bodies such as the UN.

Theo Hesegem also underscores the importance of upholding universal human values in handling this conflict and calls on all parties to refrain from violence that could worsen the situation.

Nevertheless, Theo Hesegem still hopes that the negotiation process for the release of the Susi Air pilot can proceed smoothly and end peacefully, without sacrificing civilian lives or human dignity. He also urges the public to maintain calm and offer constructive suggestions and criticisms in resolving this conflict.

The Susi Air pilot hostage-taking case by TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama-darakma poses a serious challenge to the Indonesian government and the entire society. The stalled negotiation process highlights the need for a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to achieving sustainable peace in Papua. (Malik)

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