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KNPB Numbay Region Chooses to Abstain in Indonesian Democratic Party


Numbay, West Papua Olemah.Com - The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Numbay Region has issued a public appeal to all territories in West Papua, including the Indonesian and East Timor Consulates, as well as several other supporting countries of the Free Papua Movement, to refrain from participating in Indonesia's colonial democratic process.

In an official statement, KNPB stated that as the national media of the West Papuan people, they have chosen to mediate with the oppressed people in the homeland to abstain from voting for anyone in Indonesia's democratic process. They explained that this stance is an organizational decision and not an official representation of the conscience of the people of West Papua.

As a political organization with the ideology of Papuan Independence, KNPB collectively decided to take an abstention stance. They believe that the candidates for the DPR (House of Representatives), Governor, Regent/Mayor, and President would become tools of colonial politics, further strengthening the oppression of themselves and the people of West Papua.

"These candidates will become opportunistic and local bourgeoisie, which is terrifying for the people of West Papua," said Hosea Yeimo, Chairman of KNPB Numbay.

KNPB, along with the freedom fighters of West Papua, chose not to participate in Indonesia's democratic process scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2024. They urge the people of West Papua to realize that living with Indonesia will not lead to a better future.

"The genuine democracy for the West Papuan people will be realized when a referendum is conducted democratically, fairly, and honestly," added Hosea Yeimo.

KNPB emphasizes that their abstention stance is a form of resistance against colonization and an effort to achieve a peaceful and prosperous West Papua. (Malik)

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