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Hijacking of Susi Air Captain: Papua Police Chief Reveals Involvement of Third Party


Jayapura, Olemah.Com - Papua Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Mathius D Fakhiri, recently revealed the involvement of a third party in the case of hijacking Susi Air pilot, Captain Philips Mertenz. The statement was made after a closed-door meeting with the Police Attaché of New Zealand in the old Papua Police Headquarters, Jayapura City, on Monday (26/2/2024).

According to Fakhiri, the third party exploited the situation of Captain Philips' hijacking for their own group and personal interests, but under the guise of Papua's struggle. In this context, Fakhiri also highlighted the efforts of the third party to raise the issue of Papua Merdeka (Free Papua) to the New Zealand government.

"In the meeting, we explained to New Zealand authorities that this third party deliberately raised the issue of Papua Merdeka to them. However, they understood the situation and continued to fully trust us, the TNI-Polri in Papua, to continue working to free Captain Philips," said Fakhiri.

Fkhiri also added that New Zealand still agreed to entrust the release of Captain Philips to the Indonesian government. They fully acknowledged that Papua is part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Police Chief stated that they, along with the assistance of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), are continuing to work hard to free Captain Philips. However, he explained that this process takes time as they are still in the negotiation stage with the armed group that is holding Captain Philips hostage.

"Until now, we have been monitoring the whereabouts and health condition of Captain Philips. However, we continue to negotiate for Captain Philips to be released without causing harm. This process takes time, but we will continue to strive," concluded Fakhiri.(Malik)

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